In December we’ve got some remarkable event held in Moscow – the Russian Sponsorship Forum. Why I think it is remarkable? Well, first and most of all because it is the first of its kind in Russia. Surely, long sought after, as partners are key element for the majority of projects. And events.
Event planners are very well aware that searching and acquisition of sponsors and partners, as well as keeping good relations with them is of utmost importance to their projects. On the other hand, supporting an event can be a great way to increase brand’s visibility, showcase its products or services and demonstrate the companies’ social responsibility.
We all know that relations with sponsors are a complex business which is affected by various issues, from political and economic situation to a human factor.
Thus events and organisations that contribute to discussion of all nuances of such relations and related issues are so valuable. Here are some examples of such platforms for discussion: IEG, AsianSponsorshipAssociation, UK SponsorshipAwards.
Besides, we are witnessing development of solutions for searching sponsors or projects to sponsor, and establishing partnerships. Among such is, for instance, SponsorMyEvent. Now, it’s really crucial point that we’ve got similar product in Russia. The company behind the Russian Sponsorship Forum is called Sponsor Buro #1, and it aims to assist in partners search and consulting in this field.
However, whatever service you use, it is crucial to master your own skill of searching for sponsors and negotiating with them. More important, it is crucial to get to understand them better and value their needs. This would be your most effective skill, undoubtedly.
To help you educate on the issue, we’ve got a few interesting reads on the topic:
6 innovative ways to attract sponsors to your event by SocialTables
10 event sponsorship tips: do’s and dont’s by Certain
9 ways to keep your sponsors happy before, during and after the event by BizBash